New Year resolutions for you and your fur-baby

New Year resolutions for you and your fur-baby

We want to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for your support! We are so happy to see our toys being enjoyed by your fur-babies and wanted to give you some fun New Year resolutions you can try out this new year with them.

1) Teaching your dog, a new trick: taking the time to teach your dog a new trick will help you bond with your dog a little extra this year. Even if it’s something very simple as them recognizing a new command or reminding them of an old command you haven’t used in a while. One of our favorites is to play hide and seek. If your dog has mastered the “stay” command. Look for a place you can hide in your home and call their name. They love the fun of searching for you and can’t get enough when they find you.

2) Going to a new dog park or new trail: taking a little of time on your weekend or during the week and taking your dog for a walk or some play time at a different location. They could make new friends and enjoy the new scenery.

3) Planning a trip that includes your pet: taking a must needed break from your day to day, if possible, and include your fur-baby as well. It could be a day trip somewhere near by or a couple day road trip. There are plenty of pet friendly places or rentals where you can unwind and enjoy some extra days with your fur-baby.

4) Just keep swimming: has your dog ever gone for a swim? If they haven’t it might be a good idea to see if they like it. Swimming is a great exercise for them as well therapeutic. It strengthens joints, muscles, and helps with circulation. If you haven’t taken your dog for a swim before, we recommend you introduce them slowly and see if it’s an activity they enjoy. There are life vests for dogs available as well if you want to be extra cautious.

💕 the pawtas team